Title: Preah Chan Ak Sodok Kot 2023 - Till the End of the Moon 长月烬明 Hei Yue Guang Wen Na BE Ju Ben , Yue Zhao Qian Feng Wei Yi Ren , Zhang Yue Wu Jin , Zhang Yue Jin Ming , Chang Yue Jin Ming , 黑月光拿稳BE剧本 , 月照千峰为一人 , 长月无烬 , 長月燼明
In an era when demons have dominion over cultivators and mortals, the cultivator elders believe it is imperative to send someone back in time to discover the origin of the demon lord and prevent his resurrection. Li Su Su accepts the mission and assumes the identity of mortal Ye Xi Wu, the second daughter of General Ye. She's married to Tantai Jin, the captive prince and future demon lord, and is determined to destroy him, aware that in the future he will come to massacre many. But as witness to Tantai Jin's past life and rise to power, an unexpected tale emerges, one complicating her quest.
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